How to open a can without a can opener

I’m an intern at Red Cross Disaster Services. I was tasked to giving a presentation on “Disaster Prep” to a company.

“Ok! No problem! Can I center the whole talk around the zombie apocalypse?” I just get eye-rolls from the non-believers/skeptics. My supervisor says that she will email me the powerpoint that I should update/use.

In the power point, to my surprise, is a link to the following:

“Don’t use this link- as the language and quality is bad. But it’s useful information!”

I already knew this, as I actually had to use this trick multiple times in the Philippines. I first started searching for this when I watched “The Pianist” (I think that was the movie) where a guy is in hiding and can’t open a can of peaches.

What I’m trying to say is: This trick saves lives.


  • Rebecca Lurie

    When I first heard that the tin can was invented before the can opener, I wondered how they marketed the first without the next? Necessity is the mother of invention! But inventiveness is the source for every solution!
    thanks for this tip. Love it

  • Rebecca Lurie

    When I first heard that the tin can was invented before the can opener, I wondered how they marketed the first without the next? Necessity is the mother of invention! But inventiveness is the source for every solution!
    thanks for this tip. Love it

  • Those Crazy Russians! Once I watched it, I totally got why it would work. Really practical advice! Thanks for sharing, LN, and may you always have a can opener. 🙂

  • Those Crazy Russians! Once I watched it, I totally got why it would work. Really practical advice! Thanks for sharing, LN, and may you always have a can opener. 🙂

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